To the Mom Who is Obsessing Over Her Postpartum Body

I see you mommas and you're feeling not so great about yourself. You feverishly scroll through Instagram, Facebook, and Lifestyle Blogs at in awe of new moms rocking a tank top and denim shorts a week post partum.  You're worried about getting back to your "pre-baby" weight and back into your skinny jeans but why? You just created a miracle. It is such a gift to be able to carry a human inside of your body for nine months, a gift that so many are deprived of.  Just think back, I know you spent those nine months praying and hoping for a healthy baby, 10 fingers, 10 toes but now your precious bundle of joy is here and you like many moms are wishing away this post baby body. Now I am not coming from a place of an inexperience I, myself have carried three babies and with each pregnancy I gained somewhere around 30 to 35 pounds which I guess is the expected healthy-ish physician recommended weight gain.  I, like most pregos was pretty nauseous during the first trimester so carbs were my best friend.  Bagels, cereal and bread galore!  Would I have loved to have left the hospital in my pre-baby clothes maybe...but did I care that I didn't, NO not at all.  I was just so so happy, so happy, so sleepy, and euphoric after delivering that I think I believe it or not ate a little more in the first few weeks post baby.  My house was filled with visitors, family and friends and treats, cake and cookies were a plenty.   Needless to say, I definitely did not jumpstart diet immediately and you know what that was totally OK! It doesn't hurt that I am also a little old-school in that I do basically stay in and hang low for the first several weeks the baby is born besides the obligatory doctors appointments so leggings and relaxed tees were my go to. I see a lot of moms now wearing abdominal binders, corsets, going on cleanses, drinking weight loss shakes immediately after they deliver and I just want to say while being healthy is of course important I think that we should take a step back and just enjoy our babies. There is nothing that I would've rather been doing than just holding my babies when they were brand new so no I did not start working out six weeks postpartum and yes I did end up losing all my baby weight by the time my babies were about six month or so.   Let's remember,  it took nine months to grow these beautiful babes so cut yourself some slack!  I've read many moms believe in the nine months up, nine months down theory and I think this is an awesome philosophy!  Now don't get me wrong I'm not talking about those who gained an unsafe/unheathy amount of weight that would put you at medical risk but for that normal baby weight gain anywhere from 20 to 40 pounds you deserve the time! You just grew and carried a human for nine months. So to that mom who is obsessing over her postpartum figure, please STOP! Just soak in every second of that little baby, make smart meal choices but have that pastry your aunt brought from your favorite bakery because you are awesome! Love yourself, but love those little newborns just as much while they are little.  Don't be hard on your amazing body that just gifted you that child in your arms.   The weight will come off but these moments with your newborn are fleeting.  Eat healthy but don't go crazy, don't starve yourself or train for marathon just yet!  Hold your baby, stare at them while they sleep, sniff that intoxicating new baby smell.  You'll have all the time in the world to hit the gym I promise, they grow so fast!
