If you know me then you know first thing's first and that is ALWAYS fashion!  We must have a back to school outfit ready at the start of every year and yes this does include Preschool.  If you're anything like me then you also do a ton of online shopping.  I found a variety of first day of school outfits on Etsy, Amazon and as well as Instagram boutique shops.  I ended up ordering this Preschool Dress from Amazon! Soft and adorable. 

Although I am mostly in girl land I did scope a BOYS Preschool Tee.  Both are less than $25.  

Oh, and for the toddler hair these handmade Pencil Bows are all over Etsy, are a must have, and are only $4-8.  

I hate to admit how often I shop on Amazon but it's the truth, they have everything! To get your little one's pumped about their big first day books are a great way to start talking about all things preschool.  You can visit your local library and spend some time reading there or head online and order a book especially about starting school.  We love Daniel Tiger in this house.  He has the best manners and DANIEL TIGER GOES TO SCHOOL is a sweet short story to read the night before school.  

In the era of social media the obligatory first day post goes without saying.  Head to Etsy for your customizable Chalk Board Prints.  You can either order a digital download for less than $10 or have hard copy mailed to you but shop quick!  You don't want to be caught the first day without one.  They also serve as great mementos which are never money wasted. 

ALEX's Little Hands School Set is super cute and only $18.  Another adorable way to get those babes excited to embark on this new journey.  Staples has great sales on basic school supplies crayons, pencils and erasers or you can always hit up your local dollar store.  Obviously, preschoolers don't need very much in the way of supplies but it's fun to let them feel like big kids.  Last but definitely not least head to POTTERY BARN for THE best selection of backpacks and lunch totes.  We're obsessed with the Disney Princess Print in my house but there is surely something for everyone.  I would hold off on the name on the backpack personally.... although it's beyond cute I've heard too many attempted abduction stories due to having a child's name visible for all to see.  
