Mom Defeat

A toddler, a baby and a teen. This is my life currently.  13, 4 and 1.  Yes, I know I must be crazy.  Anyways, some days my four year old is sweet and my teen is smart and responsible and the baby mellow as can be.  Other days not sot much.  Today falls into the "other" category.  I think they were in a secret competition for who can behave worse than the next.  This is what usually seems to happen on these kinds of days.  Pouches and cups were thrown, countless tantrums were had, doors were slammed and I could have cried.  The day could not have been longer.   Dinner was cooked and little was eaten by said children and none by me.  Floors were swept over and over and promptly the crumbs replenished.  I counted down the minutes until Dad came home.  I'm not sure if that makes me an awful mom but it's the truth.  Some days I feel on top of my game and others these kids kick my butt literally. You can plan away but life and children's temperments are so unpredictable.  Planned Target trips may end up being car ride naps while you drink Starbucks in your car alone and scroll through Pinterest.  SAHM's have such a hard job! It's beautiful work but it's seriously work.  I am home 4/7 days with the kids but there surely are many moments on days like today that make me miss paid "work".  ICU nursing yes please! Oh and thank God for wine!

PS I love my kids, swear!

xoxo Christina
