My Toddler is A LOT and I Wouldn't Have it Any Other Way

A little over 4 years ago God gave me my first little girl. I imagined after having a rough and tumble little boy that she would be my pink ballerina.  She would be all things soft, dainty and demure you get the picture.   She came bursting into the world with dark hair and bright blue eyes and I knew the second I held her that she was going to be something else.  In the hospital she was voicestrous unlike her older brother.  She let her needs be known and loud and clear at that.  When she was wet or hungry you knew, there was no mystery in my girl.  She went from barely crawling to running at nine months and it's been about that way ever since.  Flash forward to the toddler years...still making her needs well known to all.  She is a whole lot. But when I say a lot I mean like, A LOT.  A lot of energy, a lot of little opinions, a lot of tantrums, a lot of sass and a whole lot of work.  I would complain about this but with that whole lot comes a lot of other awesome things.  She is my little mayor, my super friendly chatty Cathy.  She is so many “I love you Mommy’s” so many hugs and kisses. She's is a lover. She’s silly,  Miss Let Me Entertain You, she is a whole lot of life.  She's always busy but beautifully curious.  She is constant questions but so very caring.  She is my miss independent that still loves to be sung to sleep.  She is everything bright and bubbly.  She is full of "mommy looks", "yays" and "oh my goshes".  She can tear apart a room in thirty seconds but is still some of good in an often ugly world.  She's my bug loving, mud pie making,  tutu wearing, have to fix her hair ten times a day unconventional princess.  She forever keeps us on our toes and sometimes it’s plain exhausting but just when I think I've had enough she knows just the right thing to do or say to make me realize that although she is A LOT she is so worth it.  So when you tell me "wow she is a lot" I totally know and am so blessed to have all of it.
