How to Have a Better Night's Sleep

1.  Clean your kitchen....yes, seriously.  I know it seems like a given but wipe/clear your counters, empty your sink, do a quick sweep of crumb, clean tables and high chairs, set a clean slate for the next day (only to get messed again, but still!).

2.  Get everything ready....I've said this before in other posts and I'll say it again...purses, jackets, lunches, hats/gloves, backpacks, baby bags...have everything ready to go and in one spot to grab and go in the morning.

3.  Set your alarm to go off every day at your wake up time...with iPhones, Androids and Alexa whatever you name it, your alarm shouldn't be something you have to obsess over nightly.  My husband myself and my oldest son all have alarms forever set so someone and in in turn all will be waking up on time!

4.  Wash your face, brush your teeth and change into pajamas before TV or reading.......this way you are ready for bed before your wind down with pre-bed TV, reading, writing..whatever it is you do to relax.

5.  Spray your sheets with essential oils or Rosewater Spray (it's like laying in a bed of roses).......oils are all the craze and I keep a bottle of spray on my nightstand and spray my linens when I make my bed.  I swear it helps me fall and stay asleep..find one that works for you.

6.  Make a to do list for the following day.......all of those thoughts that are going to run through your head the second you lay your head on your essentially oil sprayed pillow...yes those, write them down on a pretty to do list and leave them on your counter downstairs before bed....write it down and forget it or least try, mommas...I know it's hard!).

7.  Set your coffee pot, Nespresso,  K-Cup, Ninja Coffee Maker...whatever you use, these things are smart!  Have them set to brew when you wake up.  I don't know about you but hot cup of coffee definitely motivates me.
