Why Everyone is Obsessed with This Is Us

What is with this show and why is everyone watching it?  I do not watch a ton of TV but Tuesday nights at 9 PM you can be sure where you will find me, kids in tucked into bed while I am glued to This Is Us.  I've actually thought maybe I should start timing myself...how many minutes into this weeks episode until I shed a tear? What is it about this show that has every mom I know watching? It's life and it's life lived imperfectly.  Sometimes life is hard and messy.  It's not always "Instagram/Facebook ready".  Marriage and parenting are exceptionally challenging at times.  We all secretly tire of seeing picture perfect sitcom families in life and on TV.  While nearly painful at times This is Us is real and has us all emitonally invested in the Pearson family while simultaneously reflecting on our own little families.  We are all rooting for the Pearson's.  Love, loss, disappointment, perseverance..it's all there, every episode in our faces.  Just when I think maybe it's too much sad and not enough happy boom something incredibly heart warming happens or a silver lining is revealed roping me back in. Besides, everyone needs a good ugly cry now and again! So thank you, THIS IS US, you are all of us and you're perfect the way you are.
