Flying With a Toddler

So before we packed for our first flight with our 18 month old I did quite a bit of research and asked some fellow mommies how they prepared for flying with their own little ones. I'll be honest I was a little scared.   As it got closer I started thinking what are we thinking?  Anyways, I received so many helpful what TO pack for the plane ride tips I'd love to share them. Some of these items were super helpful and others she disregarded but all kids are different so it can't hurt to have options!


Goldfish, Plum Organics Puffs, Yogurt Bites, Multi-Grain Cheerios...I would have options because with picky toddlers you just never know!


The airports DO allow baby bottles and cups. They will test the liquids which is a tad annoying but safety first! To avoid your little one's ears from popping be sure to make sure they are sipping or chewing on assent and decent.


This goes without saying of course BUT try and avoid noisy toys if possible. Fellow passengers won't love those. I packed Melissa & Doug's Crayons with a new Minnie Mouse coloring book. I bought tons of princess stickers from the dollar store which kept her busy for quite a while. New books or small toys from the dollar section at Target will be exciting for them. The novelty of a "new" anything is exciting in itself.


Carry on their favorite stuffed animal, blanket, pacifier, whatever provides them comfort and in return Mom peace.


These can be purchased at the dollar store and toddlers love sticking them on the windows and pull down table. They're cheap enough to throw away after one use.


No one baby or not wants to be wet or uncomfortable. Make sure you have plenty of wipes, a few diapers and an extra outfit.  We discreetly changed her right in our chairs with a little swaddle blanket for privacy. (It was only pee, don't judge!)
