How to Have "Good Mornings" with Your Children

I will be honest I am just not a morning person. I really never was. Mornings are tough around here and if you have little ones I am sure they are in your house too! Now, full disclosure I have NOT mastered the art of a "good" morning but I have definitely found a few ways to rush less, yell less and keep my blood pressure at a reasonable level before 8 AM. More likely than not your paid job is stressful one wants to start it off with ten toddler outfit changes, tearful teeth-brushing and a forgotten show and tell Princess Belle Tiara.

 1. Set everyone's clothes out the night before....yours, the kids, socks, fuss just getting dressed.

 2. Prep & pack bags the night ready: diaper bags, purse, backpacks, lunches, sign papers, set out jackets and gloves, have everything laying in it's "place" just ready to relocate into the car on your way out.

 3. Get up before your kids...I know in and era where everyone is doing too much we are all trying to maximize sleep time and get every last minute in but I promise whether you are off to work or home with the kiddos if you get up before your little ones you will be able to pop that K-Cup in, shower in peace, and set your day up for success. Trust me on this one.

 4. Make your bed....this one seems silly but I have read this in numerous places. They whoever "they" are say the state of your bed is the state of your life and I for many years just never got around to making my bed and now that I have started I really feel a difference! Try it out!

 5. Put some time in....After you've gotten yourself ready and your kids wake up (happily hopefully)...set aside a few minutes to just snuggle, talk, sit on their bed and say "good morning". I know you're thinking there is N O time for this but these few un-rushed minutes just might make all the difference in BOTH of your mornings!

 Have any other tips on less manic mornings? Leave them in the comments below!

Oh & grab yourself the PERFECT mug from Southerly Charm on Etsy.
Use CODE:  HELLOFALL2017 to save 10%!

 xoxo Christina
