Do More of What Fills Your Cup!

 Life is crazy and I have very little, almost no alone time but every other Tuesday I wake up way earlier than I should from my post night shift sleep and my girls are at Pre-K and Grandma’s so....I grab a coffee, get my nails done and walk around Homegoods. Sometimes I buy something, other times I don’t. Should I be sleeping? Yes. Do I have bags under my eyes? Double yes, but this is my baby free time to fill my cup. I’m constantly the caretaker at work and home and so are a lot of you! We have to take the time to take care of ourselves at least a little bit so we can keep trucking along caring for others, you know doing all of the things. So whether it’s a run, a meal out alone, a girl’s night, a good book, a giant glass of wine and a ro-co whatever it is, fill your cups!  Don’t think you are doing anyone any favors by letting yourself go or depriving yourself mamas because I promise you, you are not! Happy moms are the best moms and sometimes it’s these little things that make life a little brighter.


  1. This is so true. Mums need to remember to schedule in some well earned "me time".


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