Why Naps Are Important...For Moms

I am not ashamed to admit that while I do love my children I love their nap time too.  Just when I'm at my wits end..when I've picked up one too many cheerios, toys and sippy cups it arrives in all of it's glory....NAP TIME.  I must say I have been blessed with three pretty good nappers.  They can destroy a room in 2.5 seconds but they do nap.   Maybe my self-admitted need for this mom time has something to do with it.  I would love to say I get so much accomplished while they nap and cross off multiple items on my forever growing to-do list but I don't and for me that's totally OK.  Maybe I'm an under-achiever and should be conquering the world during naptime but not for this mom. This is my time to hear myself think, re-gather myself, pee solo, maybe get fancy and even wash my hair.  Babies take their naps to recharge their batteries but what about mom? Mom, the master multi-tasker.  You know the one constantly chasing, feeding, loving, bathing, entertaining and keeping them safe.  Being a parent while tremendously rewarding can be physically, emotionally and mentally taxing.  Moms need to recharge too.  While I love napping myself I don't usually sleep when they do.  However if you can nap while they do I say go for it! Even if it's 20 minutes, take it.  You will feel like a new woman after.  I usually end up curled up on my couch in a blanket with a cup of coffee watching Netflix (volume on low of course) while scrolling through social media.  That's a whole lot of #basic right there but it is just the fix I need to get me through the afternoon until Daddy gets home.
