Loving Lately!

1.  Ozark

Super white, white collared businessman gone rogue..check.  Gorgeous scenery and cinematography..check. Suspense...check. My husband and I are currently binging this series on Netflix and I am buying what they're selling.  A must watch!

2. Beat Bugs

 Okay, one for the kids....sort of.  I'm not going to lie I really do not enjoy kiddie shows. My girls are 4 and 1 so there is a fair amount of screen time in our house.  I have to cook and clean somehow right?  I'm not sure if I am supposed to admit that or not but it's the truth.  Enter, Beat Bugs.  Each 11-minute segment of Beat Bugs follows a story that's loosely based on the lyrics of a single Fab Four song and I mean who doesn't like the Beatles? Win for all. 

3.  Halo Top Ice Cream

I have no idea how the whole pint is 240-360 calories but I'm in! It's delicious and a much, much less fattening substitute for my most recent Ben & Jerry's addiction.  The Peanut Butter Cup and Pistachio are amazing.  Whenever my local Target has them I will be stocking up.  Serious guilt free mom win! 

4.  Vacation Bible School

So, at first I wasn't sure if my four year old would be interested, would listen and would make it through the 6-8:30 PM session aka the witching hours in my house.  Let me tell you she L O V E D it.  Every single night she would count down the minutes until "camp" time.  She learned about God, love, prayer and could not have been happier.  I only wish it was more than a week! Watching she and the other kids sing and pray at pick up made my mom heart super happy.  I cannot wait to watch her on her journey getting to know God.  

5.  Fresh Flowers

I've read it so many time before but there is something about fresh flowers in a home that makes me/my home feel so put together (never mind the toys covering every sq. ft.)  I've had a few family parties over the past few months and some of my own that I have taken flowers-centerpieces home from and I am loving them.  I may have to start picking up my own blooms on Shoprite runs because they make me that happy.  

xoxo Christina 
